‘J’ is for Journals

Hello my lovely cat people! Since I don’t have too much time on my hands today, I thought I would quickly write about journals. I have always liked journal writing, especially stuff from like medieval or whatever, because it just seems so… interesting and intriguing. Whilst you may not write about serious things, or about…

Excuse Me…. How Do You Write?

Originally posted on Adult & Teen Fiction:
Destiny is written within us all, each footstep is a word, each mile is a sentence and each life is a book, the novel shall be finished no matter how the ending.- Creative Writer Alexander Kennedy. A day in a life of me, you ask? What weird knowledge…

Fiction Corner | Playing with the Devil

Hello my lovely cat people! So after I’ve finally gotten an idea, I’ve written the first chapter of this short story! This is a very rough sketch, I’m very tired, so if you find it weird or confusing, let me know. I might just edit it in the morning… 😛 Also, if you have a…

Can’t sleep

Hello my lovely cat people!! Don’t you hate the feeling of not being able to sleep? For some reason, whenever you stay up till late, you always sleep well until the time that you have to wake up. But when you actually go to sleep early, you wake up at a ridiculous hour only to…

Day 33&34: Games and Dentist

Hello my lovely cat people! So sorry about the lack of posts, but here’s another highlights post, so I hope you like it. So the highlights were watching a bunch of movies, chatting to my friend on Facebook and planning a huge movie night, playing some games and downloading some movies. Also, reading Writers’ Block,…

Corruption: Written by ‘Stan’

Hello cat people! It’s been a while, but turns out, preparing for exams is much more hectic than I thought it would be. So, without further adue, here’s another post written by my friend ‘Stan’ a while ago. I hope you guys will like it! 😀 Corruption: Dishonest and Fraudulent conduct for those in power….


Hello cat people! It has just come to my attention that we have reached over 20 followers! 😀 Now while that may not be a big number for you, it is a huge number for me! I started this blog just to have fun and rage about my life over the internet. But now, I…

My friend’s writing <3

Hello cat people! So I know that this isn’t my usual “rant” blog, however, a friend has sent this to me on facebook and gave me permission to post this on my blog, which I appreciate greatly. ❤ Anyway.. please read this, because I honestly think that it is beautiful. I know that I have…